Tag Archives: New Year 2014

Happy New Year….

Ok, I will admit, the blogging has been absent for a while now… but with New Year coming, it’s not too late to wish you all the very best for 2014.

Much has gone on in the last few months and rather than attempting to catch up with all the news, thought I would share a few of the many faces I’ve had the pleasure and good fortune to be asked to capture in 2013, in mini version.

Lots of plans are afoot for the New Year, so keep an eye open for more information.

The first people I would love to hear from are all those who dislike… (yes you read that correctly)… having their photograph taken and think they are not particularly photogenic… I have news for you… which I will blog about very soon.

In the meantime, enjoy spotting a few familiar faces 🙂 and may you and your loved ones have a healthy and prosperous New Year!

