Tag Archives: profile

Is this you?

We’re introduced at a networking meeting and a professional rapport was established. I viewed the photographers website and checked out their online presence. All the people in the images must be professional models as they all look great/at ease with their poses

Emails are exchanged. Hard questions have to be faced. What do I want? How can this ever work? All the what if’s………………? I really don’t like my photograph being taken. I need to do this but I’m really not comfortable in front of the camera.

Time and date agreed, deposit paid, confirmation received – there’s no backing out now!

The dreaded day arrives, I have a plan, take it steady, arrive calm and relaxed – not. What a calamitous morning, heavy traffic encountered all the way to the shoot (Oh the irony, strike me down now!) running late. What do I wear – grabbed a selection of shirts – some are slightly smaller than I remembered!

I arrive at the venue and I’m greeted at the door, my nervous laughter mixed with babbling small talk – explaining the small shirts – why? What  do we want to achieve – professional, friendly, approachable? All the while my insides are churning like a washing machine on spin cycle!

A backdrop, big lights with reflective umbrellas, but strangely an air of calm slowly begins to descend over me. The offer of a coffee delays the impending failure / gory experience. This is not going to work, how can I look good in a picture?

Lights, camera and action! Seated on a posing block, the heat radiating from the lights is akin to basking in the midday sun. Calming, soothing words of guidance, helping me find a comfortable position. Slight tilt of the head, right hand onto thigh and just drop those shoulders. I interact with the photographer and their assistant, use my hands, my expressive side showing through. Big smile, drop the chin, a serious look. A slurp of coffee between poses, hey, this isn’t too bad!

Wow, I have a best side, but I knew that all along and this is all feeling so much better than I had anticipated. And relax.

I’ve been sat here for thirty minutes already and time is flying by. All change and into the “smaller than I remember shirt” . I do believe that I can carry this off. The talking continues, adjusting position, lean forward from the waist, turn my face a little and back the other way.

And it’s over. Gather my things, the images will be ready within ten working days and I can view them in a password protected folder. Choose the ones that I prefer and they will be mine.

On reflection, that was a goods experience. I left feeling a lot better about how to be myself in front of the camera. Gone is the awkwardness and the toothy grimace masquerading as a smile.

Having a professional take the shots is so much more than someone just pressing a button. They can understand you and get the best out of you. That is when great shots are achieved.


Image copyright Penny Morgan Photography.

Is it all in our heads…?

This blog is asking people to think about their profile image on social media, whether you’re representing yourself personally, or in a business capacity. I’ve started asking people at events and networking what first impressions they draw when making new connections on social media?

Photographs on these platforms can be clear, up to date, friendly, approachable, even creative and quirky! However, many are also, unclear, dark, out of date, too far away, doubtful in expression… or missing altogether – we call these people ‘Mr Grey-face’!

So the question is, if someones photograph causes you to draw a first impression of that person, what does your image say about you? If you are in business, or represent a company, have you ever considered people’s first impressions about you and does it have an impact on your business?

A head shot is a window into our personality – does yours reflect the true person?

What first impression do you want to make?

This autumn on Tuesday, October 20th and Wednesday, November 4th, you can come and find the unique way I get the best from people and have fresh/new profile images sorted in either Bury St Edmunds, or Mellis.

To book your place on either of these dates, please call me on 0845 257 2038, or email design@pennymorgan.co.uk. 


Latest Special Offer – Head & Shoulder Photographs

Need a fresh profile image in 2012?

During the first Best of Bury coffee morning in 2012 (10th Jan), I will will set up a small studio area in the Attic at Benson Blakes, St John’s Street, Bury St Edmunds, to do head and shoulder shots:

The first one to book a slot for this session today (Monday 19th December), will be absolutely FREE,

thereafter, bookings will be at a SPECIAL OFFER price of £24 including VAT for singles and £30 including VAT for 2 people together – (normally £42 and £48). As normal, you will get to receive 3 from a choice of 6 or 7, which will be emailed to you.

Great for avatars, social networking profiles, newsletters, mailouts or websites – anywhere you promote yourself and your company image.

You do not have to be a member of the Best of Bury to join these fortnightly networking coffee mornings. Come along and meet some great businesses… absolutely free!

I’ve been placing my profile on a few wedding directorys

After recently placing my profile on a few wedding directory sites, as a Suffolk Wedding Photographer, I’ve already reached the first page of Google with www.iidoo.co.uk.

They’re very supportive, encouraging and… it’s FREE – pass the word on!

So I will now update my text with them to promote the latest Special Offer!

Watch this space…