Tag Archives: visibility

Virtual Photography… is it something you can actually have?

As small business owners and self employed, what is the one thing that has a big thread of commonality to all of us and the way we currently work… ?

… and what’s the one thing that could be missing from your marketing material in the way you keep in touch and continue to help your customers and clients?

We are all working ONLINE!

We’re not able to meet face to face, but we’re doing our best to stay visible and stay in touch, whether that’s on the phone, or using video conferencing platforms such as Zoom… it’s become the norm. But does your marketing material reflect that?

What if you could have photographs of you actually online with someone… and have them taken from the safety and comfort of your home or working area?

Staying in touch with customers and clients
Zoom calls on just about any platform.

Capturing you, capturing your personality and actively showing how you stay in touch and continue to support your customers and clients…. perhaps you didn’t realise you have gaps in your marketing??

You can continue to help and support your customers online.

I’ve discovered many different businesses have kept in touch with their client base, providing support and advice, in the absence of being able to be ‘hands on’ … but I’ve not seen the evidence??

We still gain so much from a friendly face and the support and advice they can provide.
Just talking to someone and giving them your time, strengthens your customer relations during this lockdown.

In an online conversation with a valued contact, I quote “I diagnose a great deal for my clients by simply talking to them” … how valuable and essential during this time!!

So isn’t it a good idea to show this? The relationships you continue to look after in whatever way you can, will be greatly appreciated and highly valued – let people know you are there for them.


Images copyright of Penny Morgan Photography