Why do we respond as if it’s our fault?

It gives us a nice feeling when we see a good picture of ourselves – but it’s quite disheartening when looking at photos you’re in, only to be disappointed with the results.

We’ve all heard people say, “I’m not very photogenic”, or, “I don’t like my photo being taken, as I take such an awful picture”.

We take it on board as if it’s our fault!

Who/what is a bad photograph really down to?

No wonder, if we are among those who feel this way, when we find ourselves lens side of the camera, it’s difficult to relax, we become self conscious and don’t enjoy the experience.

It’s not about looking like our favourite superstar, or fixing every reason, we might not like pictures of ourselves. But don’t underestimate what a good photographer should be able to achieve for you.

A pro photographer will not only know their equipment thoroughly and what settings are needed – works with the lighting they have (whatever source it may be) to achieve the results – but will also be able to respond to their subject, encouraging them relax, be themselves and enjoy being photographed. Those great shots that the subject will love and want to have, can then be captured.

If I could package and give to my subjects, an essence I truly see in each of them, whether we spend 15 minutes or several hours working together, perhaps they wouldn’t be among those who consider themselves ‘not photogenic’.

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