‘Home Grown’ diary project – update 3… Veggie McVeg Patch…

Things are progressing well…. so far… 

I have a few more images to share with you, but firstly, there was the naming of the veg patch… with salad leaves, carrots, beetroot, courgettes and dwarf beans seeds all sown… and a little spare time on my hands in the sunshine, was suddenly inspired to create a nameplate.

Veggie McVeg Patch

It had to be named!

The salad leaves all started to appear and grow reasonably quickly and happy under their mini greenhouse cloche.

salad leaves, seedlings, sown,

Salad leaves seedlings starting to appear.

The Beetroot appeared reasonably quickly and then the carrots started to show exactly as the packet said.

beetroot, seedlings, sown, appearing,

Beetroot seedlings came through quite quickly.

carrots, seedlings, sown, appearing,

Carrot seedlings made an appearance exactly as the packet said!

The courgette and dwarf beans also came through nicely (courgettes at the back and dwarf beans at the front), although I did have three seeds that made a ‘no show’. There were also a couple of ‘breach’ births and with some careful surgery, managed to save them and they continued to grow.

They were started off indoors in the corner of a room, so they wouldn’t get knocked, where the light wasn’t the best for photographs. I had strong sunlight coming through on the left and a dark corner on the right, but rather than carting the tray outside and risk damaging the baby plants, did my best where they were. You will also notice, I had to create little splints for the courgette plants as they shot up quickly and then proceeded to fall over – a delicate procedure, but it seemed to work.

courgette, dwarf beans, seedlings

Courgette and dwarf beans coming through.

… and continue to grow they did… had I planted triffids?? The dwarf beans proved a little stronger and no splints were needed.

courgette, dwarf beans, seedlings, plants

I felt like I was growing triffids!

Somewhere in my brain I decided to expand the vegetable growing and find room outside to try tomatoes. Not able to purchase little plants, I spent a whole £1 on two packets of seeds… who doesn’t love a home grown tomato. Again these have been started off in small individual pots in a tray indoors.

tomatoes, seeds, planting,

I decided to add to the vegetable list.

Quick update on the raspberry and blueberry plants – they continue to grow nicely in their outdoor pots. I might mention here, that with so many raspberry plants available, a couple of them were planted out in the general garden amongst other flowers and shrubs. If they flower and fruit, I’m giving these up to the birds and whatever wildlife fancies a nibble… on the understanding they leave the other potted plants alone!

Next blog diary will be covering the thinning of the seedlings!

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