Tag Archives: cycle challenge

Can you help me reach the finish line on the 10th May…?

Somewhat nervous, but hooked all the same, have set myself a challenge to cycle the Suffolk 100 on May 10th this year – www.action.org.uk/suffolk-sunrise-100

Action Medical Research are a great cause to raise funds for and I would really be encouraged not to give up, when every part of me is hurting, if I know by doing this, not only as a personal challenge, will be raising money for this charity.

Now while I love cycling, the thought of spending a minimum of 7 hours in the saddle to cover the 100 miles, is seriously daunting… there will be hills… yes Suffolk has hills (!)… and would really appreciate your help with whatever you feel you can donate.

The link to my donation page is – www.action.org.uk/sponsor/pennymorganphotography

Cycle challenge

Cycle challenge

Thank you all in advance :)… can I be the fastest female photographer on 2 wheels?
