Tag Archives: kids

Jump Into Spring With The Kids… and more…

Spring seems to have arrived perfectly this year and gardens are already full of colour.

I’m seeing people out and about enjoying the improved weather with their friends and families and there is something irresistible when observing those brilliant moments children give us… and wanting to capture it… every image tells a story!

With Easter round the corner, a perfect time for a Special Spring photo shoot offer to celebrate your kids and available to book until the end of April.

For full information, please download the attached leaflet, or get in touch directly via my website.


Jump Into Spring with the Kids

Jump Into Spring with the Kids


At the very end of last year, I shared a first ‘Wall of Fame’ and being in a spring like mood, thought I’d take this opportunity to share the second ‘Wall of Fame’ from the last years photographs:

Photography wall of fame

Who can you spot on the second wall of fame!

It gives me a lovely reminder of all the great people I get to meet and photograph! #feelinghappy #loveyourimage #naturalexpressions.


Summer family photo shoot…

While I don’t blog about all the different shoots I do, had to share a few of the photographs from a recent family group.

Happy to say, a returning client (3rd visit) and this time I got to meet and photograph the grandchildren. Three wonderful little characters and their mum out in the garden on a scorching hot day. The lovely walled garden and angle of the sun (all pre considered) provided a great backdrop and shaded area down one side… however I was over on the sunny side with my camera, slowly melting…

Not a pretty site when trying to stay professional and friendly and your hair is sticking to your forehead! However they understood and appreciated what I needed to do to get the best out of a 6, 5 and 2 year old and kept me plied with necessary fluids and the offer of food to keep me going!

After lots of games later, including mum and grandparents, the children were allowed to play in their paddling pool and I turned my attention and lens to mum to do some portrait shots.

I had been shown 3 generations of wonderful black and white portrait shots of the female side of the family and this would add a 4th generation to the collection – it created a beautiful keepsake… great grandmothers picture looked quite like Helena Bonham-Carter 🙂

This is an ideal time of year, when the children are on holiday for this type of shoot and so much opportunity to capture their wonderful personalities.









