Tag Archives: family

Do testimonials work… do you read them or skip over??

When you’ve completed a successful shoot and your client is really pleased… should you always remember to ask  for a review or testimonial? This is usually the bit I forget!! … although some clients spontaneously provide one anyway 🙂 

I’m told google likes them, and sources like ‘Trust Pilot’ wouldn’t exist if people didn’t look for them – LInkedIn and Facebook have a business page ‘review’ feature, so I guess the answer is that you should. It feels like ‘self praise’ and blowing your own trumpet, but nowadays it’s much more about showing you are a credible and trustworthy business and who better to authenticate your services than happy customers.

So, do you read reviews and testimonials? Well, yes if I’m purchasing items from a source that I don’t know personally, they are very helpful. Or, researching the best item to buy on say, camera equipment. Does this apply to services too, especially those that are hugely personal, such as photography? In addition to ‘reviews’ and ‘testimonials’ we should add ‘recommendations’, as these are frequently asked for on places like Facebook. I ask this, because most of my work comes via face to face networking and getting to know people, who in turn use and recommend my services.

Perhaps reviews, in addition to a solid portfolio, are mainly part of a credible and true presence online, including all the various social media platforms … will you read any further 🙂 ??

” I can not begin to express the delight I felt when I saw our photos however the outstanding service started months before we got them!
For my 50th I wanted a picture of my family so hubby duly got a voucher from Penny and then handed over to me! Oh my what a pain pinning 4 sets of families and diaries to one Saturday. Penny was supportive and patient, no pressure just gentle reassurance that we would get there. So we got a date and we all turned up at the most beautiful house and gardens… chaos ensued with sorting two 3 year olds, two under 12 months and one teenager who needed to be serious.
Penny had taken the time to ask questions before hand so she knew all the likes and dislikes and all the names, plus Terry supported Penny and entertained the children and took additional pictures.

Thank you thank you thank you 😊

If you are looking for someone who cares about the service they give and the shots they take then please use Penny – you will not be disappointed

Venitia Billings “

Canvas wrap, image, family photo,

All ready for delivery..

All ready for delivery…

#portrait #suffolk #family #together Family gathering

How much priority should we give ‘down time’?

Easter is around the corner bringing with it a term holiday for those with children in school. Now what to do with the them? Is it a holiday for those in charge? ’I’ll do that, if I have the time’, or, ‘we’ll do it later’. Do we find the time, or are we chasing our tails and it feels like another working week? Remembering the simpler times when we could work out where our friends were by who’s house they’d left their bikes outside and being told as kids to be home by tea time!

No mobiles or internet, just our bikes and imagination.

Not pining for rose tinted nostalgia, too many reminders of dodgy clothing choices and shocking/questionable haircuts, but how much downtime do you book for yourself and your loved ones? The benefits of ‘head space’, enjoying the great outdoors and doing the things that bring enhancement to your life… why on earth don’t we give it a higher priority?

Future memories are being made today.

Outside is free. These things don’t have to be financially restrictive. Build a blanket den, hide & seek or get crafty – make stuff from, well, stuff! But are teenagers going to want to be involved with a ladybird search? Our past experience has included tame pheasants, quad bikes, dogs, sport, music, oh and imitating Mo Farrah and Usain Bolt, to name a few things we’ve captured with the teens of the family.

Picnic in the park, beach walks and nature trails, liking these simple things for what they are, not for the ‘likes’ it may achieve on social media is still pretty priceless.

Create your future memory this year.

Create your future memories this year.    Photograph copyright of Penny Morgan Photography.

Happy New Year….

Ok, I will admit, the blogging has been absent for a while now… but with New Year coming, it’s not too late to wish you all the very best for 2014.

Much has gone on in the last few months and rather than attempting to catch up with all the news, thought I would share a few of the many faces I’ve had the pleasure and good fortune to be asked to capture in 2013, in mini version.

Lots of plans are afoot for the New Year, so keep an eye open for more information.

The first people I would love to hear from are all those who dislike… (yes you read that correctly)… having their photograph taken and think they are not particularly photogenic… I have news for you… which I will blog about very soon.

In the meantime, enjoy spotting a few familiar faces 🙂 and may you and your loved ones have a healthy and prosperous New Year!





Summer family photo shoot…

While I don’t blog about all the different shoots I do, had to share a few of the photographs from a recent family group.

Happy to say, a returning client (3rd visit) and this time I got to meet and photograph the grandchildren. Three wonderful little characters and their mum out in the garden on a scorching hot day. The lovely walled garden and angle of the sun (all pre considered) provided a great backdrop and shaded area down one side… however I was over on the sunny side with my camera, slowly melting…

Not a pretty site when trying to stay professional and friendly and your hair is sticking to your forehead! However they understood and appreciated what I needed to do to get the best out of a 6, 5 and 2 year old and kept me plied with necessary fluids and the offer of food to keep me going!

After lots of games later, including mum and grandparents, the children were allowed to play in their paddling pool and I turned my attention and lens to mum to do some portrait shots.

I had been shown 3 generations of wonderful black and white portrait shots of the female side of the family and this would add a 4th generation to the collection – it created a beautiful keepsake… great grandmothers picture looked quite like Helena Bonham-Carter 🙂

This is an ideal time of year, when the children are on holiday for this type of shoot and so much opportunity to capture their wonderful personalities.











Summer 2012 Photography Day Special…

If you would like to join me either indoors, or outdoors (our beautiful summer permitting!) and take advantage of a photography day, with FOUR special offers to choose from.


Treat yourself and your family and take time out together with your own photo shoot.

Do you have a special friend staying with you for the holidays?

Girls, would you like to be captured in that gorgeous outfit?

Mums, dont’ worry about the kids looking at the camera, relax and enjoy your time with them! Leave the rest to me…

It’s not just for families – need photos for business? You are all welcome!


The date – Tuesday 21st August 2012


Heritage Wellbeing Centre, Nowton Court, Nowton Rd, Bury St Edmunds, IP29 5LU


Email or call to book yourself a slot during the day.

Email: pennyjm@gmail.com or Tel: 0845 257 2038


Download the following PDF information sheets to find out more about the special offers – or share this with anyone you think would like to take part:

Photography Day Information sheet


Diss Express Beautiful Baby Competition…

So at the end of last year, I was one of the sponsors of the annual Diss Express Beautiful Baby Competition.

One of the winners recently had their photo shoot prize, well…. baby Amber brought her parents, Marie and David along with her for a studio based session and mum and dad were particularly delighted with the results.

Little Amber seemed to enjoy it too….

When people enjoy their shoot, it makes my job a lot easier, as the happiness is evident in the photographs and helps for a lot longer attention span from little ones… plus when you receive very positive feedback, makes my job so rewarding!