Tag Archives: free

How much priority should we give ‘down time’?

Easter is around the corner bringing with it a term holiday for those with children in school. Now what to do with the them? Is it a holiday for those in charge? ’I’ll do that, if I have the time’, or, ‘we’ll do it later’. Do we find the time, or are we chasing our tails and it feels like another working week? Remembering the simpler times when we could work out where our friends were by who’s house they’d left their bikes outside and being told as kids to be home by tea time!

No mobiles or internet, just our bikes and imagination.

Not pining for rose tinted nostalgia, too many reminders of dodgy clothing choices and shocking/questionable haircuts, but how much downtime do you book for yourself and your loved ones? The benefits of ‘head space’, enjoying the great outdoors and doing the things that bring enhancement to your life… why on earth don’t we give it a higher priority?

Future memories are being made today.

Outside is free. These things don’t have to be financially restrictive. Build a blanket den, hide & seek or get crafty – make stuff from, well, stuff! But are teenagers going to want to be involved with a ladybird search? Our past experience has included tame pheasants, quad bikes, dogs, sport, music, oh and imitating Mo Farrah and Usain Bolt, to name a few things we’ve captured with the teens of the family.

Picnic in the park, beach walks and nature trails, liking these simple things for what they are, not for the ‘likes’ it may achieve on social media is still pretty priceless.

Create your future memory this year.

Create your future memories this year.    Photograph copyright of Penny Morgan Photography.

Latest Special Offer – Head & Shoulder Photographs

Need a fresh profile image in 2012?

During the first Best of Bury coffee morning in 2012 (10th Jan), I will will set up a small studio area in the Attic at Benson Blakes, St John’s Street, Bury St Edmunds, to do head and shoulder shots:

The first one to book a slot for this session today (Monday 19th December), will be absolutely FREE,

thereafter, bookings will be at a SPECIAL OFFER price of £24 including VAT for singles and £30 including VAT for 2 people together – (normally £42 and £48). As normal, you will get to receive 3 from a choice of 6 or 7, which will be emailed to you.

Great for avatars, social networking profiles, newsletters, mailouts or websites – anywhere you promote yourself and your company image.

You do not have to be a member of the Best of Bury to join these fortnightly networking coffee mornings. Come along and meet some great businesses… absolutely free!

I’ve been placing my profile on a few wedding directorys

After recently placing my profile on a few wedding directory sites, as a Suffolk Wedding Photographer, I’ve already reached the first page of Google with www.iidoo.co.uk.

They’re very supportive, encouraging and… it’s FREE – pass the word on!

So I will now update my text with them to promote the latest Special Offer!

Watch this space…