Tag Archives: squirrel

Advent Blog… December 10th

While walking through the Abbey Gardens in Bury in Autumn, this little squirrel  hops towards me, stopped, posed… then threw a look that said ‘well hurry up, I haven’t got all day’… so I shot him… with my camera!

We sometimes get horses tethered out on the common – so early one frosty morning, I liked the light behind these two beautiful ponies and ended up with a bit of accidental lens flare, that for me added to the mood of the photo.

Sarah’s ‘zookeeper’ day at Whipsnade…

A friend of mine, earlier in the year, was bought a very special birthday present by her husband… to be Zookeeper for a day at Whipsnade. Being a big animal lover, she was more than a little excited and got to see and assist with a lot of the tasks that go on behind the scenes at a zoo. Anything from mucking out the rhinos… to making up happy meals for the chimps!

We followed her as far as were allowed and captured some of the things she got up to. At the same time photographed many of the animals brilliantly cared for at Whipsnade.

Only a few days later, one of the elephants, Azizah, gave birth to her third baby, weighing in at 16 stone and was 5 weeks overdue!

Sarah’s photos.